Saturday, November 21, 2009

Like the Good Doctor's Tardis "The Fiction Writer" is Larger than It Appears

About Nina Munteanu's "The Fiction Writer":

"Nina's writing style is engaging, enlightening, and enjoyable. And like the good Doctor's Tardis, the book is larger than it appears--how she is able to distill as much as she does in 266 pages is a testament to her writing abilities.

"As others have rightfully stated, it is chock full of ideas, checklists, advice, and exercises. I have six book shelves at home (and about as many at work) devoted to books on writing and the teaching of writing covering all the writing genres. Before Nina's book, I was getting rather bored with them. But after reading excerpts of Nina's book on her blog, I has had to check out the entire text.

"I even found her book useful for my 102 students. Although we do not teach creative writing in 102 (we survey short stories, poems, and plays), every quarter I use portions of Nina's text, especially the discussion on the hero's journey. That is how useful her book is.

"Get Get Published, Write Now! right now."--David Merchant, English Instructor, Louisiana Tech University