Saturday, January 30, 2010

Author Praises "The Fiction Writer" as Frank Helpful and Fun

Lynda Williams, author of the Okal Rel Series (Edge Science Fiction and Fantasy Publishing) likes Nina Munteanu's "The Fiction Writer" for its short sections and snappy chat:

"High energy writer and teacher of writing Nina Munteanu is an upbeat coach for new and published writers seeking to refresh their art. She relates tales from her own experiences to personalize her frank and helpful advice on getting published. I particularly liked how she focuses on writing good stuff, though. Her light-hearted "alien's perspective" complete with cartoon character combines with her sense of humour and cheerful tone to make the book a positive experience. Short sections. Snappy chat."

Lynda Williams is a science fiction author and blogger. William's fiction is centered around a series of ten novels set in the fictional Okal Rel Universe (ORU). The ORU founded by Williams has been embraced by fans in a big way. Williams has opened the ORU to fan and pro artists and writers, wishing to engage and create in the ORU phenomenon.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Fiction Writer Praised as Succinct and Useful

Top 100 Amazon Reviewer (furioush) gave Nina Munteanu's The Fiction Writer this review:

"I have enjoyed Munteanu's fiction, so I was happy when she gave me the chance to read her book on writing. I found it a useful practical guide full of tips and links that any writer focusing on craft should remember. Even if it isn't saying anything particularly new, what it does say is worth repeating, and is rarely said in such succinct form. It is also nice that it has some emphasis on speculative fiction, something many writing guides ignore completely."

You can find Nina's fiction writing guide in most quality bookstores and online bookstores throughout the world.