Nina approached me in 2008 to see if I would
be willing to review her book The Fiction
Writer: Get Published, Write Now. I
was rather hesitant as I didn’t see myself as qualified to take on such a task.
English was a subject that I only barely
managed to pass and my spelling relied on a spell checker. She assured me that it was the layout and
flow that she really needed my help with so I reluctantly agreed. Thus my unexpected adventure began. It was difficult staying focused on the
layout as the content would draw me in. I
finally understood what my grade 10 teacher meant when she would say you had to
read between the lines.
With the book ready for printing I was excited to learn more of the
process of getting a book
Nina invited me to join her when she went to Victoria to interview possible printers. I learned a lot about papers used, fonts,
formats, covers and binding. We enjoyed
good food and good company returning revitalized to make the decisions needed
to get the book printed.
My foray into the writing and publishing
world has made me more critical when reading books. I am much more aware of
character development and the hero’s journey, plot, and the ebb and flow of the
action throughout a story. I find myself
more engaged and appreciative of a well written book.
My adventure started with a request to review
a book for a friend. Early in 2012 it became a request to help her manage Pixl
Press. As I learn the necessary tools needed
in the writing and publishing industry, who knows where my adventure may take
me in retirement. Gardening is best done in the summer, leaving the long winter
evenings for creativity!